It was a brisk but fun evening that we Humans of the Brochure had at the Dickson Tradies/Raiders game event this evening.
We started with yummy canapés at Dickson Tradies before heading out via a bus together to the game.
It isn’t important who won the game between the Raiders and the Broncos. Let me instead detail the important facts:
There was a ball.
There were lots of men trying to pull each other off the ball.
There was kicking from both teams as well as from the cheerleaders (yay, Clare!) who were thrilled to benefit from some personal tips from our very own dancer Jamie Winbank .
There was a mascot race. I have no idea who actually won as I became engrossed watching our own Raider mascot try to take down the Club Lime mascot. Below is the moment where our Viking spotted the opportunity to take out the poor lime-suited mascot. Boy, oh boy, it was all happening tonight!
There were hot chips from our amazing hosts from Visit Canberra. How did they know that our tummies are bottomless pits?
There was Raider’s spirit oozing from Kim-Marie’s dancing.
There were fandannas from Housh who had about a dozen spare. :) We wore them well.
There was a photo opportunity with the Raiders most vocal fan- Stu who, when asked explained: ‘I live here in Canberra, I support the Raiders.’
And most importantly there was NO rain!